Zacchaeus in a tree

Zacchaeus was short,

But he had a long name,

He sometimes stole money,

He did not have good fame.

Then one day he heard Jesus

Was walking through town,

But the crowd was too tall,

“I can’t see him,” he frowned.

Could he fly like a bird?

Or ride a kangaroo?

Then he spotted a tree,

Yes, that would do!

He climbed to the top,

and perched by a nest,

This was a great spot,

He’d see Jesus best.

Suddenly Jesus looked up,

He said, “Come on down!

I’d like to stay with you,

In your house in town.”

Zacchaeus’ mouth fell open,

Then he lit up with glee,

He hurried on down,

He almost fell out of the tree!

He had the best dinner,

With Jesus that day,

He knew Jesus loved him,

So he said straight away:

“Right here and now,

I stop all my stealing,

I’ll give gifts to the poor,

This is such a good feeling!

If I’ve stolen one coin,

I’ll give back four,

And if I’ve taken eleven,
I’ll give forty-four.” 

Zacchaeus in the tree, printable Bible story poem