alphabet of Montessori red and blue letter cards
Montessori sandpaper letter cards

I remember first seeing these sensory letter cards in my children’s preschool and thought they were such a simple and clever idea. The vowels and consonants are a different colour. They are textured and easy for little hands to trace. The original Montessori cards are wooden with sandpaper letters. Here is my make-at-home version using paint and cardstock.

supplies for making textured preschool letter cards

What you will need:

  • 7 sheets of cardstock paper (minimum 200gsm)
  • Paper cutter
  • Red and blue acrylic paint
  • Paint brush
  • Palette
  • Coarse sugar/salt/acrylic modelling paste
  • Water for cleaning the brush

How to make the DIY Montessori letter cards

paper cutter with cut white cardstock

Cut the 7 sheets of cardstock paper in four. There are 26 letters in the alphabet, so 28 cards should cover it, plus a couple for accidents! 

blue paint mixed with sugar

Mix paint with your textured medium. I also tried keeping them separate and painting the letter first and then dabbing my brush in the sugar/salt and painting over the letter.  Both methods worked. As a side note, sugar will give your letters a glossy sheen whereas salt keeps it matte - pick the effect you prefer!

blue Montessori style vowel cars

red letter n with textured paint for toddler tracing

Remember to keep vowels one colour and consonants another if you’re going for the Montessori style. Most places I looked at had the vowels in blue and consonants in red.

DIY Montessori preschool letter cards on table

sensory letter cards spelling out the word 'sat'

And, there you are! Lovely sensory letters ready for little hands.