Paris vignette with painting on top of vintage books

An easy way to add charm to every room

I have books. Lots of them. Let’s be honest, too many of them.
I love reading and don’t have the heart to downsize the collection just yet. 

So, last week, I took some books away from their usual place on the living room bookshelf and incorporated them in decorative setups around the house. It’s nothing revolutionary, but I actually found that interspersing books with other decorative items gave shelves and cabinets a warmth and character that wasn’t there before!

Decorating with books and flowers on bureau

Cabinet with Eiffel Tower painting, books and lavendar

Books and toys on shelf

Shelves and bookends

And below are some ideas from regular shelves. Every house has interesting items lying around that can make for creative bookends! 

Mechanical accessories as book ends

Vintage camera used as bookend
Funny metallic man bookend