Hand-decorated Bible
Source: Pinterest
Here are some impactful Bible verses that God spoke to me through in 2018.
I hope they're of some encouragement to somebody.

Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea

“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.’” Exodus‬ ‭14:14 

These are the words Moses spoke to the Israelites right before God opened the Red Sea, saved their lives and defeated their enemies before their eyes. This speaks so much truth about the daily battle we are in against sin and evil. Having researched this verse a little, it’s important to know that being still doesn’t involve being absent from battle, but instead silencing our fears, our grumbling (v.11-12) and letting someone else take our sword.

Yes, this can definitely apply to actual personal conflict, when it involves being sinned against, reminding us that it is not ours to take revenge. But, I am constantly reminded that our “struggle is not against flesh and blood, but...
against the spiritual forces of evil...”(Eph 6:12). Even though we see evil in the world demonstrating itself through people, there is so much more going on in the spiritual world. In spiritual reality, God has the victory and the final say over the devil’s attacks, whether we see vindication in this life or the next. If we trust in God in the midst of trouble, we have nothing to fear; not because of our merit, but because of his mercy and grace to us.

Unless the Lord builds the house (Ps. 127:1)

“Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” Psalm‬ ‭127:1‬ ‭

What typically happens every morning when the alarm goes off? We wake up and will ourselves to get out of bed as we shake the cobwebs out of our head. We immediately try to remember what sort of a day lies ahead. At this point one of two things happens to me: either a feeling of relief washes over me as I remember it’s an easy day, perhaps with a special highlight, or I’m overcome with a feeling of dread at the thought of an upcoming challenge. As I get out of bed I begin the all-too-familiar internal pep talk: it’s going to be a great day; it’s a piece of cake; it’s not the first time I’ve done this; and somewhere at the end of the list: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me; oh Lord, please help me, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing today!

Almost every single person, the world over, wakes up every day and has their own internal dialogue that will motivate them to get going. This continues throughout the day as we go about major or mundane tasks, decisions and conversations. Anybody can labour to build their house/day/life/family/job to look successful even to themselves. But what is God asking us to do in this verse? To surrender the foundations of every tiny detail to him. This begins when we wake up. Asking for God’s help, admitting I don’t have it in me to make the sharpest decisions that day (let’s take a moment to look down at those mismatched socks), asking for the physical strength to spend a full morning with my two toddlers, praying for the ability to resist the temptations to sin that will come my way, are all part of inviting the Lord to build my house instead of relying on my limited human plans which, alone, are in vain. For me, this practically translates to prioritising prayer, listening to what the Holy Spirit has to say, reading the Bible very early on in the day to drown out my (very loud and persistent) internal voice and bringing it in line with His.

She is clothed in strength and dignity
Source: Pinterest

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Prov.‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭

Now, I really wanted this verse to have a big impact on my way of thinking in 2018. I coloured it in and put it on my newborn daughter’s wall, I pinned pretty calligraphic pictures on Pinterest that illustrate it beautifully and tried to think what it would look like if I became this strong woman who is shaken by nothing that comes her way. It felt empowering to think of myself as a dynamic woman who could do it all, like the superwife/mother/homemaker/career woman of Proverbs 31...for a few minutes until real life, oven alarms and hungry children interrupted my thoughts!

In reality, this verse cannot be separated from the context of the whole chapter on the ‘Wife of Noble Character’. There are very useful books and sermons on the topic, some of which I’ve found time to read, in between being an exceptional wife, patient mother and busy homemaker of course. Here are a few basic thoughts on the verse. Outer strength can fluctuate, so where does her constant inner strength and motivation come from? The fear of the Lord, a noble character, her eagerness to do good in all areas of her life.
What about her dignity? The Oxford Dictionary defines dignity as “The state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect.” Her strength of character seems to demonstrate itself in outward deeds which merit her dignity. She has found ways to organise her time, her job, her family, her finances, all while looking out for the needs of people beyond her own household. This impacts her most important relationships: her family is united and her husband has full confidence in her. As a result of her strength and dignity she doesn’t have to worry about the days to come. She has provided for her family, she has wise plans in place, but, more importantly, she has God-given inner security which doesn’t waver depending on circumstances.

Now, what we need is to find that miraculous button that will bring perfect order to our practical lives! A very wise friend once told me that almost everything in the Christian life is a process. We don’t become somebody with new actions and habits overnight. But, the Holy Spirit enables us to apply little changes day by day and that is progress. Whatever we do outwardly with our family, friends, home, time, jobs, church, strangers reflects who we are, or are becoming, on the inside. 

As a small example, I’ve focused on changes in my home routines - an area I especially struggle in -  this year to help us function better as a family of four. Other women are naturally gifted in this area. But, the truth is that none of us are automatically skilled in every aspect of our lives! Speaking with and learning from other women who are or have been in our particular season of life is so valuable. Choosing one or two changes to implement in an area we find challenging each week and praying for discipline and opportunities to apply them can practically be useful in growing in the roles God has put us in. I am hoping that this work in progress will have some helpful experiences to share at end of 2019!


A helpful book and article on Proverbs 31: 
My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife by Sara Horn
Who Can Find Her? Rethinking the Proverbs 31 Standard